Shiok Shiok Satay Burger Feast with McDonald’s
I had a chance to try out McDonald’s new Satay Burger Feast, a special menu for the upcoming National Day in Singapore.
Also, it is confirmed with chop that I am a Singaporean.
Read on to find out why…

Melbourne: Night Stars
I was very fascinated with stars while I was in Australia as I can actually see them even when I am in the city!
But it was the stars in the countryside that I love the most as they are the most beautiful.
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St Kilda: Many Shades Of Blue
Melbourne has some incredible weather in which the sky turns incredibly blue.
It is quite hard to describe this blue as we don’t really get this sky over at Singapore and to wake up to this blue sky is absolutely breathtaking.
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasts
For this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, I picked an image I shot a while back ago with a compact camera; the Fuji X10.
I love how the silhouette of the people walking acts as a contrast and human element to the flood of light.
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