Digging through my archives is like going through my memory palace.
These images were shot in April last year and I remember the day well.
I met up with my Thai friends and they took me on a heritage and culture tour along the river to Koh Kret. It was a really hot day for Thailand’s standard, scorching even.
We visited temples, looked at pottery, danced, and had too much fun together.
I had my fortune read that day which went something like no good luck; hardship before prosperity.
Funny how I was at a dinner the other night and someone mentioned that I’ve experienced hardship because of how ‘mature’ I am.
Fair enough since most of the time I never felt like I am 20.
Depression hit hard, my finances were everywhere and I seemed to be plagued with the flu every month or so.
But counting the little things like the 2 tubs of amazing ice cream I had the other day thanks to my awesome colleague, I think I am pretty fortunate(:
Koh Kret

Thailand next month!
I can’t wait<3
Categories: Photo Essay, Ramblings, Thailand
Traveling to a place where you get reminded of how lucky you are and how beautiful life has always been is a great feat. I’m glad you experienced it in Bangkok, the city of smiles. Me, I experienced it here in Singapore. 🙂
Indeed; glad you enjoyed Singapore!